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Q: When should I consider home improvement credit cards?

You can quickly pay off the card

A credit card may be the right choice if you’re sure you can pay off the balance or your debt could grow quickly out of control

You don’t have a lot of other debt

The fewer other monthly payments you owe, the more likely you are to pay off your card before your rates rise.

You need cash – but only in the short-term

Many homeowners don’t have the cash on-hand to pay for their home improvements. If you’re confident you’ll get cash soon, then a credit card may be perfect for racking up rewards.

Your project can’t wait

Sometimes you just don’t have enough time to save cash for your project. 0% APR credit cards can get you the flexible funding you need quickly.

How do I find a credit card through Hearth?


Decide if a home improvement credit card is right for you

Credit cards have many benefits, but also carry big risks. If you get a 0% card, make sure you can pay off the card before your 0% APR period expires.


Explore credit card options

Give us a rough guess of your credit score, and we’ll show you several options.


Apply for a card you like

Click to continue your credit card application with the right provider. Most credit card companies have instant approval processes.

Advertiser Note: Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post. If a user clicks on “See My Cards” and obtains a credit card, Hearth receives compensation from its partner sites. This site does not include all financial companies or all available financial offers. Compensation may impact how or where the products appear on this site.