We're hiring!

WIN more business!

Offer payment options and get paid on the go for any home improvement project

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A complete toolkit for contractors

Any contractor

Whether you're just starting out or already have a crew, we're ready to work with you.

Easy to offer

Quickly offer on-the-go financing and get paid from the Hearth mobile app, or generate new leads with your custom financing portal.

No hidden fees

You'll never pay dealer fees to buy down your customer's interest rate.

The power to win more business in the palm of your hand

With the Hearth mobile app, you can quickly show your customers how much a project will cost as monthly payments, pre-qualify them in minutes, and track their loan progress. Hearth™ Pay allows you to invoice, track and collect payments, all from the convenience of your phone.

Our customers get real results

Trusted by thousands of PROS

Get Started Today

Give us a call or request more information

Hearth is dedicated to helping you grow your businesses and protect your profits.

Our team will teach you how to use our financing and payment tools as part of your sales process.  We’re here to answer any questions you or your customers have with a quick call, text, or email.